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Our Team

Castlewood is a single form entry primary school located in the bustling village of Southwater, West Sussex. We take great pride in having a wealth of exceptionally talented and experienced staff throughout the school. Our governors, parents, teaching staff and management team all play a dedicated role in making our children's educational journey a positive and fun experience. Our school ethos is a reflection of the efforts, enthusiasm and hard work that every member of our team brings to work each day.

Senior Leadership Team

School Office

Classroom Teaching Staff

Teaching Assistants


Mrs K Anstee-Brown

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs V Dedman

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead




Mr D Storer

Mrs M Page

Mr M Munro

Mr R Wells

Mr M Forsyth

Mrs D Tresadern

Mrs C Allen

Mrs J Richards - Clerk to Governing Body

Mrs L Exwood

Mrs E Whitman

Subject Leads

Maths - Mrs S Benedetti

Science -  Mr M Hill & Mrs H Marshall

Writing - Mrs B Bull

Reading - Mrs V Boxall

History - Miss E Hyams

Art - Mrs H Marshall

PE - Mr M Hill

Geography - Miss E Hyams

DT - Mrs H Marshall

Modern Foreign Languages - Mrs K Smith

Computing - Mrs S Benedetti & Miss E Hyams

Music - Mrs L Mabey

RE - Mrs V Boxall

Phonics - Mrs V Dedman

E4S - Mrs R Bull

Curriculum - Mrs K Anstee-Brown

Assessment - Mrs K Anstee-Brown

Midday Meals Supervisors

Mrs T McMillan

Mrs S Hyams

Mrs K Deakin

Ms R Ringer

Mrs S Prosser

Mrs L Spikesman

Mrs K Jones

Mrs F Boyle

Mrs S Pink

Mrs G Goodridge

Mrs T Knight

Premises Staff

Mr L Graham

Mrs J Brodey

Mrs E Terry

Mrs S Pink

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Website Design by Iris Digital Marketing

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